Hardwood Lumber

Tempered nails and Coiled pallet nails :
Tempered nails are specially heat treated screw shank nails designed specifically to penetrate the hardwood species. Coiled nails are for use in pneumatic nail guns to build pallets, and are manufactured in the U.S.A.

Hardwood Lumber:
Lumber is milled from mixed hardwoods harvested within a 60 mile radius. Call for details of dimensions and lengths that are available.
Shoring Timbers :
Timbers can be cut up to 16" x 16" square, and up to 16 feet long. These timbers are commonly used for foundation purposes under Oil Rigs or other industrial applications where extremely heavy loads have to be supported. These are sometimes referred to as Mats, Cribbing, or Shoring Timbers.

Sawdust : $40 per 4 cubic yard loader bucket. $10 self load
Sawdust can be used for gardening, as an absorbent for animal and livestock pens, oil spills, or organic fuel for boilers.The sawdust generated from the sawmill is processed through a hammermill, then blown into a pile, making for a very clean product. Sawdust is utilized for animal bedding is all natural, containing no chemicals of any kind. The sawdust contains enough moisture from the natural tree sap that airborne irritants are very low, reducing respiratory issues of the animals bedding on the product.

Slab Wood : $40 per bundle
Slabs can be cut into firewood for home and shop heating. We build our slab bundles in a 4' x 4' rack, with lengths from 8' to 12'. Bundles will weigh between 3000 to 5000 pounds, and will consist of any species of wood that is processed by our mill. Customers purchasing these bundles will need at least a 16' trailer with tandem axles. We will not load these bundles on a pickup!
Pipe Chocks :
We manufacture pipe chocks for tubing or pipe yards utilized in the securing of pipe for delivery on flatbed trucks or rail cars. These blocks are cut from southern hardwoods, and are more durable than plastic chocks. We take a 4"x 4" block, 6 inches long, and split the block into triangular pieces.